Launch Announcement: May I Have Your Attention Please!
I’ve got an idea. It’s not something big but with your support, we can make a difference, a better change for our society.
When getting changed for your day, has the thought of the way people perceive of you come across your mind? These worries aren’t just you overthinking but a reflection of our society. We were judged and given labels because of what we wear, therefore, we start becoming more concerned and that’s why we need to change.
Here we present you dear diary, a non-judging club; we share our own story here whilst simultaneously, you can speak freely and be appreciated for who you are. What you wear represents your personality, mind and story– we want to hear every one of that.
Our fashion belief is one of our core identities; we are a cotton-based brand that is currently working on products that bring you better comfort and solutions for your wardrobe crisis. Unlike the usual operation model, Dear Diary puts sustainability as one of our main priorities. Every choice we make is our commitment, both our customers and to the environment, and to provide a greener choice in the market.